Adult brain injury & complex case management
Lincolnshire Case Management is the only specialist Lincoln-based provider of case management in our vast region, providing services for clients with complex life-changing injuries.
As a small organisation we are able to deliver an exceptional and unique quality of service that truly focuses on our clients’ needs whilst also being alert to the wider context in which our service is being delivered, whether this is during, or following, litigation.

.....Supporting clients to navigate the challenges of life after injury and the ups and downs of rehabilitation, enabling them to return to a sense of self and fulfilment.....
"I cannot express how fortunate and privileged I feel that Anne-Marie has been at the helm of my rehabilitation. The team put together and managed by Anne-Marie have been able to get me from a position of despair, to one where I now have confidence again, and can look forward to my future life". Client KH

We are health care professionals with considerable brain injury and polytrauma
case management expertise, who share key values when it comes to the delivery of
case management services. Responsiveness, integrity, empathy, commitment and accountability are at the centre of our service delivery.
Anne-Marie Burnett is the director of Headsmart Rehab Ltd, a well-established existing case management provider. Sunneva Thorpe has worked at a senior level for a national case management provider for many years and has considerable experience also as a medico-legal expert.
In late 2022, Anne-Marie and Sunneva inadvertently came across each other as a result of a solicitor's search for a case manager for a particularly challenging case in our region. They discovered they were both experienced practitioners, both lived in Lincoln and they shared similar values and ways of working in their individual case management practices. Both were aware of the non-existent services in the area, and they decided to join forces to create Lincolnshire Case Management.
Our vision is that case management within our vast and relatively isolated geographical area will be delivered by local, experienced, skilled professionals who are passionate about their roles in changing people's lives and resulting in a more cost effective and responsive service to clients in Lincolnshire.